space industry association of australia (siaa)

Launched: 2019 | Project length: 1 month

SIAA approached Rogue after working with us for their print requirements. They wanted to revamp their online presence to reflect their evolution and growth as the Australian space industry's leading professional organisation. Their old website had aged considerably, in that there needed to be significant improvements in accessibility, usability, readability, navigation, design and hosting capability.

Importantly, the website required an automated and easy to use system for new members and existing members to easily sign up, pay, renew and manage their membership. This alone would replace the very time intensive manual process of managing memberships and processing payments. In addition, SIAA wanted to upgrade their 720+ entry capability database, have a news and events section, create and integrate email marketing and to be able to manage the site in-house easily ongoing.

Our expert digital team got to work creating the ideal solution. SIAA's site is powered by WordPress with additional functionality bolted on, including Woocommerce Memberships, Events system, Mailchimp integration, a custom database and page builder technology for easy updating.

We reckon the result is... out of space!

Space Industry Association Australia

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